Make [abortion] safe, legal, and rare … And make childbearing safe, economically supported, and surrounded by a loving community that celebrates the mystery and miracle of life and that honors and rewards the parent or parents who have undertaken the difficult and beautiful task of raising children.
…it’s this Friday, January 22nd and this blog will be participating.  So be sure to come back next week to check out my take on Dr. George Tiller’s slogan “Trust Women” (Dr. Tiller was tragically murdered last year). You might be surprised with my take (which will be from a communications perspective; hint: I’m not a big fan of the frame “choice”).Â
Below is the description of what “Blog for Choice Day 2010” is about that is up on the NARAL site:
Join us on Friday, January 22, 2010 – the 37th anniversary of Roe v. Wade – for the fifth annual Blog for Choice Day!
What is Blog for Choice Day?
Each year, NARAL Pro-Choice America poses a question to pro-choice bloggers before the anniversary of Roe v. Wade, and then asks them to blog their answer on January 22.
Blog for Choice Day provides us with an opportunity to raise the profile of reproductive rights in the blogosphere, all the while celebrating Roe’s 37th anniversary. Plus, it’s a great way to let your readers and the mainstream media know that a woman’s right to choose is a core progressive value that must be protected and advanced.
Last year more than 500 people participated in this effort. We hope you will join us this year!
If you don’t have a blog, you can still participate! You can post your response in a Note on Facebook, or tweet your response on Twitter and use the hashtag #bfcd.
This year’s topic
In honor of Dr. George Tiller, who often wore a button that simply read, “Trust Women,” this year’s Blog for Choice question is:
What does Trust Women mean to you?
Let us know that you’ll be participating by filling out the form below. We’ll publish a list of everyone who’s blogging. Be sure to tag your posts with “Blog for Choice” to show all your readers that you’re joining in.