Arizona Shooter Followed Anti-Immigrant Group

According to an internal memo from the Department of Homeland Security that Fox News obtained on the possible motives of Jared Loughner’s shooting rampage: […] strong suspicion is being directed at AmRen / American Renaissance. Suspect is possibly linked to this...
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Economic Refugee News: Weekly Roundup 08/07/10

Bigots are infiltrating the environmental movement: the Center for New Community has put out a new report titled Apply the Brakes: A Report on Anti-immigrant Co-optation and the Environmental Movement.  On the heels of this, reported: The Southern Poverty Law Center...
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[Video]: New AZ Immigration Law Ties to White Supremacists

Just in case you still doubt that Arizona’s new authoritarian police law (aka SB 1070) was racially motivated: Via Imagine 2050: The anti-immigrant law just signed into effect in Arizona was introduced by Arizona Republican Russell Pearce (shown here hugging...
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Hate Speech

…”the only reason [Luis] is dead is because he was Mexican,” law experts recently argued on CNN.  Recently, there was a disturbing verdict on a racially-charged case where an all-white jury found a group of teens as not guilty of a hate crime for beating up a...
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