Economic Refugee News: Weekly Roundup 08/07/10

Bigots are infiltrating the environmental movement: the Center for New Community has put out a new report titled Apply the Brakes: A Report on Anti-immigrant Co-optation and the Environmental Movement.  On the heels of this, reported: The Southern Poverty Law Center...
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"40 million illegals"?

That’s what protesters of healthcare reform are shouting.  Yup.  They’re shouting at the townhalls that the reform would cover “40 million Illegals.”  Besides the fact that their angry violent shouts are pretty disturbing onto themselves, their claims are just based on...
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What is your political orientation? Take the quiz!

Have you ever wondered whether you’re a Republican or Democrat? Libertarian or Liberal? Left-wing or Right-wing?  Conservative or Progressive? New media is so interactive nowadays, that you can find out instantly by answering a few questions so you no longer...
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